Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pressure from Parents

            Parents are suppose to be a child's biggest fan, their number one supporter, but sometimes parents go over the top with what they expect from their kids. For instance, if a young boy is playing a sport the dad may put to much pressure on him to win. This can result in the child thinking that their dad will only support him if he wins and not if he loses. A parent should be their for their child win or lose, rain or shine. In other cases sometimes the mom puts too much pressure on her daughter to be glamorous or be a dancer. Most of the time it's not that the parents intentionally do this to harm their children's self esteem, but they try to instill their dreams on their children. This can result in rebellion or worse off low self esteem. The parents will almost always go with the excuse that they just want what's best for their child. 
Eventually the constant pressure can lead to mental issues or illness' like anorexia or bulimia. Studies show that these problems are cause by pressure from parents, teachers, or friends. This can also occur from stress. 
                So as we can all tell it's better not to pressure your kids into doing something that they don't want to because otherwise it can lead to illness or rebellion. 


  1. This is very true. Parents put an unnecessary amount of pressure on their children. this pressure really can stagger their children performance because they dwell on all of their expectations to over achieve. All this pressure children receive causes a great amount of mental anguish. I believe that if parents didnt place so much emphasis on succeeding, their children will most likely succeed.
    Parents aren't the only ones who put pressure on kids. Teachers and friends also put a great amount of pressure on kids. Peer pressure is a huge deal for today's children. Social pressure is the downfall of many of todays children.

  2. I completely agree with you guys, and I understand how sometimes parents can put too much pressure of their kids. I agree that it can sometimes be a negative because the kids might get the wrong impression and think they will only love them if they win. But a lot of the times its not like that, parents do put a lot of pressure on their kids but its so they can succeed, its not usually harmful to the kids. Okay sure there are those crazy parents that do push their kids over their limit, but most of the time parents are just pushing their kids do the best they can.

    My parents have always pushed me to do my best and to get the best grades in school, now sure this puts a lot of pressure on me, but I think it’s a good thing because it does push me to do the things necessary to get a good grade. I know that my parents love even if I fail, they will be mad, but I know that they will still love me, and I think that that’s what parents need to do to push their kids in a healthy way. Parents need to push to their kids to succeed or else kids wouldn’t do anything, but it is the parents job the let their kids know that they still love them no matter what, but they will be mad if they do fail. It is bad sometimes to put too much pressure on a kid, but I think its necessary for their success.
